Redo Exercise 5.12 using the language of your database system for coding stored procedures and functions. Note that you are likely to have to consult the online documentation for your system as a reference, since most systems use syntax differing from the SQL standard version followed in the text. Specifically, write a procedure that takes an instructor ID as an argument and produces printed output in the format specified in Exercise 5.12, or an appropriate message if the instructor does not exist or has taught no courses. (For a simpler version of this exercise, rather than providing printed output, assume a relation with the appropriate schema and insert your answer there without worrying about testing for erroneous argument values.)
The code below is tested on PostgreSQL 14 and uses PL/pgSQL.
CREATE FUNCTION get_instructor_history(inst_id VARCHAR(8))
TABLE (dept_name VARCHAR(10), course_id VARCHAR(5), course_title VARCHAR(20),
RETURNS VARCHAR(8),semester VARCHAR(6), year NUMERIC(4,0), total_enrollment INTEGER)
sec_id AS $$
WITH sections_taught_by_inst_id(course_id,sec_id,semester,year) AS (
SELECT course_id,sec_id,semester,year
FROM section NATURAL JOIN teaches
WHERE id = inst_id
year,enrollment) AS (
), sections_taught_by_inst_id_with_enrollment(course_id,sec_id,semester,SELECT course_id,sec_id,semester,year,COUNT(id)
FROM sections_taught_by_inst_id NATURAL JOIN takes
GROUP BY (course_id,sec_id,semester,year)
)SELECT dept_name,course_id,title,sec_id,semester,year,enrollment AS total_enrollment
FROM sections_taught_by_inst_id_with_enrollment NATURAL JOIN course
ORDER BY dept_name,course_id,year,semester;
To get the entire history of the instructor with id, say, 74420 we write the following query:-
SELECT * FROM get_instructor_history('74420');
The output I got:-
dept_name | course_id | course_title | sec_id | semester | year | total_enrollment
Physics | 239 | The Music of the Ramones | 1 | Fall | 2006 | 328
Physics | 376 | Cost Accounting | 1 | Fall | 2006 | 297
Physics | 443 | Journalism | 2 | Spring | 2002 | 268
Physics | 443 | Journalism | 1 | Spring | 2010 | 298
Physics | 612 | Mobile Computing | 1 | Fall | 2007 | 285
Physics | 959 | Bacteriology | 1 | Fall | 2006 | 303
(6 rows)
My instance is using data from largeRelationsInsertFile.sql.
I know seeing “Journalism” as a course in the “Physics” department is crazy. But it’s just a mock data. :)